What is a fire door?
A fire door is a type of door that has undergone rigorous testing in order to create the strongest possible door against roaring fires. They are crucial in an enclosed space as they can delay the spread of the fire from one place to another, giving people life-saving time to escape. Where a normal door would be easily overpowered by a large fire, a fire door will be able to withstand it for much longer.
What are the different types of doors?
The different types of fire doors consist of: Wooden fire safety doors, steel fire safety doors, glass fire safety doors, double fire safety doors and pre-hung fire safety doors. Each door has their own rating depending on how long they can last against a fire: FD30 – 30 minutes of protection, FD60 – 60 minutes of protection, FD90 – 90 minutes of protection, FD120 – 120 minutes of protection.
Can you wedge open a fire door?
If a fire door is wedged open, there is nothing stopping a fire from getting through and it would leave every person in that room vulnerable to death. This is why however well-intentioned; you should NEVER wedge open a fire door. Although the actual act of wedging a fire door open isn’t illegal, the consequences of what could happen in the event of a fire could lead to anything from a simple fine to potential imprisonment for manslaughter.
How often should I get my fire doors inspected?
Fire doors should be periodically checked at least once every six months. They need to be regularly checked to ensure it functions correctly and will preform to its designed standard in the event of a fire. If a fire door isn’t checked and a fire was to happen, there is a chance that the fire door would not work to the standard it should.
Are fire doors a legal requirement?
In all non-domestic properties, such as businesses, commercial premises, and public buildings fire doors are a legal requirement. They are also required in residential flats and houses of multiple occupancy. As set out by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, building operators in England and Wales should appoint a ‘Responsible Person’ to manage their fire safety precautions.